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Road Chats

Road Chats presented by National Energy Equipment Inc. is a monthly podcast hosted by Jennifer Stewart, CEMA President. Get to know leading companies and influencers of Canada’s energy and convenience sector. Hear from top analysts on what’s next for the industry, the path to post-pandemic recovery, and its evolution to a cleaner, more sustainable tomorrow.

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Consumer Survey 2023

May 19, 2023 –Do Canadian consumers understand what net-zero means? In this latest survey, the Canadian Transportation Alliance commissioned our research partner Abacus Data to survey of 1750 Canadian adults to answer this question. The result? While most Canadians have heard of Net-Zero by 2050, few can describe what it means or what it looks like in practice. Download Report

Embracing Canada’s Low-Carbon On-Road Transportation Opportunity

February 23, 2023 –Imagine a net-zero policy landscape that embraces an energy-agnostic approach to decarbonizing road transportation in Canada. A policy landscape that pursues diversified pathways to address immediate low-carbon on-road transportation opportunities in lockstep with the mid- to long-term low-carbon sources that will take Canada into a net-zero future. This Executive Summary captures the key findings and options explored in our first in-depth study prepared by Ricardo Strategic Consulting. Download Report

Canada’s Low-Carbon On-Road Transportation Opportunity

February 23, 2023 –In our first large-scale research project, the Canadian Transportation Alliance endeavoured to inform answers to some of these questions. We commissioned Ricardo Strategic Consulting to complete an in-depth study (the Study) of the nuances of the transportation market in Canada and propose priority pathways government and business leaders can implement to make low carbon road transportation a reality. The detailed Study segments the research into two broad categories – passenger vehicles consisting of cars and light-duty trucks and commercial vehicles primarily made of medium and heavy-duty truck. Download Report


February 14, 2023Download Report


June 7, 2022Download Report


June 7, 2022Download Report


April 22, 2022 –To better understand the mindset of Canadians relative to transportation and decarbonization efforts, the Canadian Transportation Alliance (CTA) commissioned Abacus Data to conduct a survey of 1,500 Canadian adults to explore a range of consumer attitudes towards vehicle purchase options and decarbonization policies. Download our white paper and take a deep dive into the fascinating results of the survey. Download Report


November 10, 2021 –The Canadian EV market is beginning to evolve quickly and so are the policies governing it. As charging continues to grow, what kinds of policies are provinces and cities setting? In coordination with the Fuels Institute, the Canadian Transportation Alliance is providing this white paper report to answer that question and to identify the requirements relevant to installation and operation of public charging. Please note, this report will be made available in French in the coming weeks. Download Report


New Study shows Canada’s path to net-zero rests on our capacity to execute diversified carbon-reduction options for on-road transportation 

Thursday, February 23, 2023 (Ottawa, Ontario) – A new study commissioned by The Canadian Transportation Alliance offers further insights that Canada’s net-zero by 2050 targets can only be achieved by executing diversified pathways to reduce the carbon emissions of on-road transportation.

In its first large-scale research project, The Canadian Transportation Alliance commissioned Ricardo Strategic Consulting to complete an in-depth study of the nuances of the transportation market in Canada and propose priority pathways for government and business leaders to implement immediately and in the near-term future to make low-carbon road transportation a reality.

“To reach our net-zero targets, we must be balanced and pragmatic while embracing the opportunities ahead of us,” said Michelle Coates Mather, Executive Director of The Canadian Transportation Alliance. “This Study attempts to level-set our low-carbon transportation discourse by objectively offering insights on the options available in Canada today to immediately reduce carbon emissions while we continue to advance and adopt the ambitious alternative fuel sources for the near and long term.”

The detailed Study segments the research into two broad categories – passenger vehicles consisting of cars and light-duty trucks and commercial vehicles primarily made of medium and heavy-duty trucks to help inform government policy and business decision-making.

Key Findings

• Light-Duty Vehicles contribute 57 percent of transport GHG emissions; Medium– and Heavy-Duty Vehicles 34 percent.
• 65 percent of passenger vehicle sales are concentrated in two provinces, which also account for 60 percent of the population.
• EVs and H2 represent long-term opportunities for Light-Duty Vehicles.
• Hydrogen demand is projected to grow five times by 2050.
• Electrification is a longer-term solution, especially given Canada’s low-carbon grid with the potential to reach 10-12 percent of vehicles in operation by 2030.
• Immediate carbon reduction will require the inclusion of low-carbon fuels such as biofuels and renewables. The Study finds that Canada is under-utilizing its potential in this area.
• For every five percent incremental increase in the blend rate of renewable content, a greenhouse gas reduction of 1.3 percent from gasoline vehicles and 2.5 percent from diesel vehicles can be expected.
• Commercial vehicles need purpose-specific solutions that match their duty cycles.
• Speed of adoption of these alternatives will depend on infrastructure keeping pace.

All carbon-reduction options must be on the table to achieve net-zero by 2050 targets.

Download the Executive Summary and Study findings by tapping here.



Michelle Coates Mather named Executive Director of The Canadian Transportation Alliance

Friday, October 28, 2022 (Ottawa, Ontario) – The Board of Directors of The Canadian Transportation Alliance is pleased to announce the appointment of Michelle Coates Mather as Executive Director.

The Alliance is preparing for its next phase of growth. One year after its launch, the Board has given Michelle a mandate to help expand the Alliance’s profile, advance its research agenda, and broaden its membership.

Michelle played a key role in bringing the concept of the Alliance to life in its early days, launching it with our founding members one year ago,” said Jennifer Stewart, Chair of the Board.We are excited for her to bring her public affairs and association membership management expertise to help the CTA expand its profile and advance its mandate.”

For over 16 years, Michelle has enjoyed a breadth of professional experience working in the energy, infrastructure, non-profit and association management space. As a former political staffer and public service professional turned private-sector consultant, Michelle will bring her political insight and first-hand experience working within government machinery to advance The Canadian Transportation Alliance’s goal to educate government bodies, consumers, and business stakeholders on a variety of issues affecting the Canadian transportation market.

“I am honoured to have this opportunity to help our Membership advance its objectives. Canada’s energy security is critical to our long-term economic health and prosperity,” said Michelle Coates Mather. “Members of the transportation and energy sectors are allied in their efforts to ensure policymakers are equipped with sound, objective research on the host of ambitious and realistic pathways to net zero that balance our short and long-term economic growth. There are no one-size fits all solutions in a country as geographically diverse and as rich in resources as Canada.” 

Michelle may be reached at

Do Canadian consumers know what net-zero means?

June 14, 2023 –  In this new consumer survey, the Canadian Transportation Alliance commissioned our research partner Abacus Data to answer this question. The result? While most Canadians have heard of net-zero by 2050, few can describe what it means, what it looks like in practice or that the choices they make at gas stations today are directly supporting interim net-zero targets. Tune in to the video below where Michelle Coates Mather, CTA Executive Director and Oksana Kishchuk, Director, Strategy & Insights, Abacus Data,  unveil the latest data and how it can help inform industry and government approaches to educating consumers on low-carbon fuel choice.

On the Road to Zero-Emissions: Traditional Energy Sectors

September 20, 2021 – To deliver a long-lasting effect on the market that ultimately benefits consumers and the environment, we must explore options to continue improving the environmental footprint of traditional transportation energy sectors. What strategies will be available to reduce the carbon intensity of these sectors and regions while new technologies are entering the market? Tune in as the Canadian Transportation Alliance gathers the perspectives of the fuel marketer, refiner, biofuel producer and natural gas sector.

On the Road to Zero Emissions

September 20, 2021 – To deliver a long-lasting effect on the market that ultimately benefits consumers and the environment, we must explore options to continue improving the environmental footprint of traditional transportation energy sectors. What strategies will be available to reduce the carbon intensity of these sectors and regions while new technologies are entering the market? Tune in as the Canadian Transportation Alliance gathers the perspectives of the fuel marketer, refiner, biofuel producer and natural gas sector.