Canadian Transportation Council |  Medium-Heavy Duty Vehicle Committee | Electric Vehicle Council

EV Charger Deployment Optimization

Date: August 17, 2022 PDF: 8 MB

The market for electric vehicles (EVs) continues to grow at an accelerating pace, yet there remains great uncertainty regarding how fast these vehicles will gain significant market share, how many chargers we will need, when and where we will need them and what kind of chargers will be required in different locations. Recognizing that billions of dollars would be invested in building out EV charging infrastructure, The Transportation Energy Institute’s electric Vehicle Council commissioned S&P Global Mobility to model what the demand for EV chargers might look like over the next 10 years throughout the United States. This report helps prioritize where those funds should be deployed to most effectively leverage business and taxpayer dollars as well as to deliver the greatest value to drivers.

Summary of Findings (PDF)

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Fuel for Thought: How to Optimize EV Charger Infrastructure

Part 1

Part 2

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