Prentiss Searles, American Petroleum Institute |
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Review of Dispenser Filter Item 237-3 (July 2015) requiring engine fuel dispensers to have a 10 micron or smaller nominal pore-size filter, and proposed 2016 amendment carving out exceptions for dispensers with flow rate ≥ 15 gallons per minute and dispensers with flow rate of ≤ 15 gpm in certain cold weather states during winter months to have a 30-micron or smaller nominal pore size filter.
- Review of findings of corrosion
- Battelle ULSD Corrosion Study
- Clean Diesel Alliance Project Conclusions (2012): Acetic acid is suspected cause of corrosion (acetobacteraceae); Ethanol and acetic acid observed in diesel tanks; Additives not involved in corrosion
- USEPA Study
- MIC suspected cause of corrosion; Ethanol/glycerol suspected food sources; Acid production from breakdown of alcohols; Water elimination key to controlling
- CRC Report No. 667
- Recommendations for maintaining clean distribution system and filters; Accumulated water and sludge promote corrosion of bottom of fuel tanks; Water most common contaminant; Water more soluble in biodiesel/blends
- Anecdotal Evidence of Success “Good Housekeeping”
- Speedway (2,750 retail locations) – no acute corrosion issues for a decade; extensive/aggressive housekeeping programs
- Battelle ULSD Corrosion Study
- Review of Fuel Quality
- ASTM Specifications D975: X8.4 Water and Sediment Controls
- Review of concern that can’t use 10-micron filters in cold weather or with biodiesel
- 10-micron dispenser filters lessen particle loading on filters, extending filter life
- How tank management can impact filter life
- Conclusion
- Water and microbial activity responsible for corrosion and particulate in USTs
- Good housekeeping greatly reduces these concerns
- 10-micron dispenser filter provides last defense before vehicle
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