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Webinar: Decarbonizing Combustion Vehicles – A Portfolio Approach to GHG Reductions

Webinar: Decarbonizing Combustion Vehicles – A Portfolio Approach to GHG Reductions

Recorded on August 23, 2023

Given the objective to reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector, waiting for the market to transition to zero-tailpipe emissions vehicles (ZEVs) without seeking solutions for the dominant powertrain on the roads is a strategy that ignores the substantial reductions which can be achieved in current and future internal combustion engines (ICEVs).

This webinar is hosted by the Transportation Energy Institute along with Stillwater Associates LLC, a transportation fuels consulting firm who prepared this report, Decarbonizing Combustion Vehicles – A Portfolio Approach to GHG Reductions. The webinar is an examination of the variety of options that can reduce GHG emissions from ICEVs, the viability and emissions reduction potential of each, and the market and regulatory challenges that must be overcome to realize this potential.

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