Across the country, policymakers, regulators, state and local officials, and industry partners are developing plans, evaluating investments, and making decisions that will impact the future of transportation electrification. The move to electrified transportation introduces many new considerations and is more than a one-for-one switch from petroleum-based fuel to electricity.
These state guidance documents are provided to assist state-level policy makers and industry to better understand the demands and opportunities that are provided under the Infrastructure Jobs Act and the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program. As of August 1, 2022, all state NEVI implementation plans had to be delivered to the new Joint Office of DOE/DOT for review. All plans will be reviewed and likely modified if they do not meet recent rules being promulgated for the NEVI program.
There are innovative, fast-evolving technologies associated with this transition that necessitate a reevaluation of conventional infrastructure planning processes. Electrification will require not only the deployment of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, but also electric grid infrastructure that supports charging, and there will be nuanced considerations of both that will be tangled in broader social and policy goals, including equitable access, affordability, and reliability, as well as other factors.
The Transportation Energy Institute Electric Vehicle Council staff currently participates on Department of Energy (DOE) working groups and steering committees to assure industry business insights and perspectives are considered during these transitions. The Transportation Energy Institute does not advocate. Our mission is to bring together a broad group of fuel and transportation stakeholders that may provide industry insights to policy makers, regulators, and interested industry in hopes of creating clear, concise, and pragmatic solutions that support industry endeavors while ultimately reducing emissions.
State Implementation Plans for EV Charging
Join us as we look at a variety of strategies to decarbonize the transportation system that affect both the legacy fleet as well as new to market vehicles, including all classes, markets and duty-cycles/vocations. FUELS2022 will foster discussions among leading stakeholders about the challenges facing the market and the opportunities that exist or might be developed to overcome these challenges.